
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

THE BEATING GOES ON From today's briefing:
QUESTION: Does the White House have a credibility problem?

MCCLELLAN: These are all questions that you’re bringing up in the context of an investigation that is…

QUESTION: I’m not asking about that.

MCCLELLAN: Well, it’s clear that this is coming up in the context of news…

QUESTION: We could talk about WMDs, the whole range of issues.

MCCLELLAN: … in the context of news reports.

And I appreciate those questions. And I think you’re trying to get at the specific news reports and wanting me to comment on those specific news reports.

QUESTION: But they’re news reports that have been confirmed by Karl Rove’s attorneys.

MCCLELLAN: You can keep jumping in, but I’m going to try to keep going to other people in this room as well. And we can have a constructive dialogue here I think, but that’s not the way to do it.

QUESTION: It’s not my job to have a constructive dialogue, Scott. Sorry.
Ouch. And then there was this:
QUESTION: Would you be willing to allow your attorney to speak to reporters about these matters?

MCCLELLAN: Next question.
Now that's cold.

CONTRAPOSITIVE is edited by Dan Aibel. Dan's a playwright. He lives in New York City.