
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

THE HANDOFF From Joshua Marshall:
But just step back and look at how crazy this is: we've run Iraq for more than a year, spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the whole effort, lost many of our own sons and daughters as well as many Iraqis. And here you have what is arguably the big issue: who you hand the place off to and how you hand it off to them. And it's left to the last minute, with the powers that be having to ditch almost everything that has come up until this point and start from scratch.

The market in examples for how badly the Bush team has bungled this situation is admittedly glutted. But even if they're now going for a dime a dozen this is really one to marvel at. (Emphasis in original.)

CONTRAPOSITIVE is edited by Dan Aibel. Dan's a playwright. He lives in New York City.